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Holy Family Primary School, Omagh

Year 7 Home Learning.

4th Feb 2021

Aaron enjoying the snow.
Aaron enjoying the snow.
Brandon finishing a hill slide.
Brandon finishing a hill slide.
The lovely Mullans.
The lovely Mullans.
Katie M's fantastic St. Brigid's Cross.
Katie M's fantastic St. Brigid's Cross.
Rhys's beautiful Confirmation book.
Rhys's beautiful Confirmation book.
Cassie learning about the miracles of Jesus for her Confirmation book.
Cassie learning about the miracles of Jesus for her Confirmation book.
Almost made a St. Brigid's cross on 1st February to celebrate the feast of St. Brigid.
Almost made a St. Brigid's cross on 1st February to celebrate the feast of St. Brigid.
Niamh wrote a beautiful prayer during Catholic School's week thanking all those people who have helped others during the pandemic.
Niamh wrote a beautiful prayer during Catholic School's week thanking all those people who have helped others during the pandemic.
Leanne maintaining good mental health by walking and caring for her dog.
Leanne maintaining good mental health by walking and caring for her dog.
Congratulations Aaron.
Congratulations Aaron.
Cahan's wonderful Confirmation book.
Cahan's wonderful Confirmation book.
Cahan enjoying the snow.
Cahan enjoying the snow.
Eduard working hard on his Confirmation book.
Eduard working hard on his Confirmation book.